Within a browser, select Share to a Page you Manage after clicking Share to Your Timeline. Now, when it comes to broadcasting to a page that you manage, things depend on the platform you’re using. In the next screen, use the dropdown menu under Share in a Group to choose the group. To do this in the browser, select Share to Your Timeline and then click Share in a Group. This article explains how you can live stream your public classroom on your academy’s Facebook page (or your Facebook profile) using OBS (Open Broadcast Software) Studio. If you want to live stream to a group that you’re a member or an admin of on your phone, you’ll use the same To: Public Post option, mentioned above. However, this is where things diverge a bit, depending on the platform that you’re using. OBS.Live does have some other neat features, too, including an activity feed and even music controls, but even if you only need Facebook Gaming chat, it's worth getting. Select Public on the left part of the Facebook live screen to reach this list. On your phone, once you’ve chosen To: Public Post, you are given a choice to stream to Public, your entire Friends list, all friends except the ones you select, to specific friends, or only to yourself. When it comes to selecting which friends can see your Facebook Live broadcast, things are pretty much the same across the board. See the below image : When you uncheck the SSL option the Server URL is changed to normal rtmp service and port is changed to 80. Just uncheck the Use a Secure Connection(SSL) option on the Facebook live page. You have to remove the SSL option on facebook. You can also choose to broadcast to the groups that you’re a member or admin of, or pages that you’re running. First we change the settings of Facebook. You can choose whether you’ll broadcast to the public, to all your friends, to some friends, or only to yourself. From here, you’ll be able to select who you’re streaming to. Here you can see the Facebook page in the streaming manager section. Press Get Stream Key button next to the Stream Key field. Select the Facebook Live in the Service box. So, before tapping Start Live Video, navigate to the upper-left corner of the screen. Press Settings in OBS Studio File section. That means that pretty much anyone will be able to see your feed once you go live. By default, however, Public is selected as your audience. Don’t worry, as you aren’t streaming your front camera feed to the entire world yet. Your phone’s/tablet’s front camera should turn on. If you can’t see it, tap What’s on your mind? That should show you the list of all the types of posts you can make on Facebook. So, the Live option should be right under “ What’s on your mind?” on the Home page. In essence, a Facebook regards a Live Session as a post.
It’s as simple as opening your Facebook mobile app.
Here’s how to start your live broadcast on Facebook to a select group of people. The first one is much more versatile and widely used, while the second one is much more organized. Using your Android/iOS device and using your browser. But generally most of your viewers will view it on a 16:9 display and have no black borders.There are two main ways to do Facebook Live, in general. If you view the stream in fullscreen on a 16:10 or 4:3 display you will of course see black borders though. Grab the key and copy it to your clipboard, then go to the settings in OBS. I’m assuming at this point that you know how to get your streaming key from Facebook Live. The Facebook webplayer should then show no black borders for most of your viewers. Open OBS and click on File and then Settings. Move your source to the bottom or right for example and fill the black area at the top or left with the mentioned graphics and text's. Add your sources to OBS and if you capture your Monitor for example you should see the black borders in OBS. So awbix is correct, set your base and output res in OBS to 1280x720 if you want to stream at this resolution. As a result, your viewers will be able to watch your stream on their 16:9 display without black borders and you do not have to stretch your input and screw its proportions. Now in OBS you can fill the black area with a graphic, follower text's, useful information or whatever you want. The better solution is to set OBS to a 16:9 resolution to meet Facebook's requirements. This would negatively affect your image quality and the shown proportions on your stream, so please do not do this. The easiest but definitely NEVER recommended solution would be to stretch your input to meet the desired output aspect ratio. Facebook uses 16:9 while ResQ's display for example uses 16:10 if I am not mistaken. How to select the correct Resolution/Aspect Ratioīlack Bars are always caused by an aspect ratio mismatch.